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Is your website being seen or is it a billboard in the desert?

Why is my website not showing up on Google?

Website not showing up on Google? Many business owners assume that any website will do as long as they have one. Websites should be designed to be found in search and be a part of the sales funnel that leads prospects to do business with you. Quite often the websites I see are more like online brochures and even worse the website is like a billboard in the middle of the desert. Literally no one ever sees your website and if there are visitors there is no call to action other than the bland “Contact us”. 

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Business owners that employ 

Here is a simple list of the most elementary tasks that will help your website get found in the search results.

  1. Choose the perfect keywords
  2. Manage your meta tags
  3. Optimize for mobile
  4. Lay a link trail
  5. Prove that you’re a local
  6. Submit your site to Google

Choose the right keywords

The right keywords are usually three-to-five word long phrases that prospect might search to find a business like yours. These keywords and phrases are important because when there’s a match between the words people are typing into search and the words you’ve incorporated into your site’s content and SEO settings, it means your listing is more likely to appear.

Manage your meta tags

 Meta tags are a part of the source code of your website. It’s the part of your website that the search engines read. This is also the title and description that shows up on the search engine results pages (SERP). If you don’t have these tags or the tags have too many or not enough characters/words then Google will ignore your page. This is an important place to use your keywords & phrases.

Optimize for mobile

Most contemporary website templates are formatted to be responsive when your website is viewed on a mobile device. But, if your website is old and outdated, your prospect or customer is probably frustrated trying to view your website that was built for a desktop view on their phone. They will likely go to your competitor’s website if yours is not simple and useful.

Lay a link trail

Search engines are programmed to prefer websites that have outside links that link to your website. And, the search engines also like links internal to one another inside your website. One of the best ways to get links to your website is to publish your digital business knowledge on multiple directory websites. This one task is incredibly powerful especially when combined with claiming and managing your Google My Business Listing. 

Prove that you’re local

If you haven’t claimed and optimized your Google My Business Listing – you are missing out.
From this listing Google helps direct location-specific searchers to solutions in their geographic area.
Why is this important? Essentially, most people will still first turn to Google’s search box – it’s the new “yellow pages” complete with directions and tap to call from your mobile device.
Google My Business is a directory of business listings that populates what appears on Google Maps, as well as what’s displayed in the ‘local pack’ (that map and three business options that appear at the top of searches with a specified location).So, let’s get this straight. How exactly does this local specification help your business get found more easily? In addition to keywords, it’s just one more way of hinting to Google that your business will be a quality result to suggest to its users.

Submit your website to Google for Indexing

Your website will inevitably be found at some point by the Google bots constantly crawling Internet content. However you should take a few actions to speed up this process. The first step is submitting your site to Google and requesting your website to be indexed. You can do this by submitting your sitemap to Google Search Console.

Hire The Small Business Guru

I know you might be thinking you could build your own website – but let me assure you that working with an expert will give you a delightfully different result. 

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